弗吉尼亚海滩校区的机械工程技术理学学士学位获得了ABET的工程技术认证委员会(ETAC)的认证, www.abet.org, 一般标准和机械工程技术及类似专业的专业标准.
弗吉尼亚海滩校区的机械工程技术理学学士学位获得了ABET的工程技术认证委员会(ETAC)的认证, www.abet.org, 一般标准和机械工程技术及类似专业的专业标准.
If you want a practical career in design, testing, manufacturing, or operations, 那么机械工程技术领域可能正是你一直在寻找的. 这是最好的部分:现在有很多工作等着被填补. 这是因为现代制造业正在卷土重来, 多亏了机器人和先进的电子设备.
However, 许多雇主找不到使用如此先进设备所需的高技能工人. 根据制造业协会的说法, 在最近的一项调查中,67%的受访者表示,合格工人的短缺程度中等至严重, 56%的人预计,未来三到五年内,这些短缺将变得更加严重.*现在,如果你认为制造业是一个肮脏的工作,再想想吧. 今天的工厂和设施看起来更像科学实验室!
如果你对这个感兴趣的话, right now could be the perfect time, 你可以在短短两年内获得机械工程技术学士学位.5 years.
建立在十大正规平台的传统,提供一个互动的和“现实世界”动手教育的技术, you are expected to:
完成机械工程技术学士学位课程后, graduates should be able to:
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
EET113 | EET113 DC & AC Circuits | 3.00 |
EET223 | EET223 Electronic Devices & Operational Amplifiers | 3.00 |
SDC100 | SDC100 Introduction to Programming | 3.00 |
EET207 | EET207 Applied Engineering Programming | 3.00 |
MET211 | MET211 Statics | 3.00 |
MET311 | MET311 Mechanisms | 3.00 |
MET410 | MET410 Dynamics | 3.00 |
EET192 | EET192 Graphics Communication | 3.00 |
EET192L | EET192L三维建模实验室简介 | 1.00 |
MET213 | MET213 Advanced 3-D Modeling | 3.00 |
EET191 | EET191 Materials Science | 3.00 |
MET221 | MET221 Manufacturing Processes | 3.00 |
MET320 | MET320 Machine Tools | 3.00 |
MET320L | MET320L Machine Tools LAB | 1.00 |
MET322 | MET322 CNC Machines | 3.00 |
MET313 | MET313 Applied Strength of Materials | 3.00 |
MET313L | MET313L Materials LAB | 1.00 |
MET412 | MET412 Machine Design | 3.00 |
MET414 | MET414 Applied Finite Element Analysis | 3.00 |
MET230 | MET230 Hydraulics & Pneumatics Systems | 3.00 |
MET230L | MET230L Hydraulics & Pneumatics Systems Lab | 1.00 |
MET330 | MET330 Applied Fluid Mechanics | 3.00 |
MET330L | MET330L Applied Fluid Mechanics LAB | 1.00 |
MET432 | MET432 Applied Thermodynamics | 3.00 |
MET434 | MET434 Applied Heat Transfer | 3.00 |
MET434L | MET434L传热和热力学实验室 | 1.00 |
MET400 | MET400 Senior Project | 3.00 |
MET400L | MET400L Senior Project LAB | 1.00 |
Credit Hour(s) total | 70.00 | |
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
CAP480 | CAP480 Arts and Sciences Capstone | 3.00 |
COM115 | COM115 Principles of Communication | 3.00 |
ENG110 | ENG110 College Composition | 3.00 |
ENG120 | ENG120 Advanced Composition | 3.00 |
HUM205 | 文化与多样性:人文探索 | 3.00 |
MTH131 | MTH131 College Algebra | 3.00 |
MTH200 | MTH200 Pre-calculus | 3.00 |
MTH220 | MTH220 Applied Calculus I | 3.00 |
MTH320 | MTH320 Applied Calculus II | 3.00 |
PHY120 | PHY120 Physics | 3.00 |
PHY120L | PHY120L Physics LAB | 1.00 |
ECO201 | ECO201 Macroeconomics | 3.00 |
ECO202 | ECO202 Microeconomics | 3.00 |
PSY105 | PSY105 Introduction to Psychology | 3.00 |
PSY220 | PSY220 Positive Psychology | 3.00 |
选修两门课程:ECO201, ECO202, PSY105, PSY220
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
BUS102 | BUS102 Fundamentals of Customer Service | 3.00 |
BUS121 | BUS121 Introduction to Business | 3.00 |
BUS328 | BUS328 Business Process Improvement | 3.00 |
BUS328L | BUS328L业务流程改进实验室 | 1.00 |
PMT472 | PMT472 Applied Project Management | 3.00 |
PMT472L | PMT472L Applied Project Management LAB | 1.00 |
CST160 | CST160 Introduction to Networking | 3.00 |
SDC100L | SDC100L Introduction to Programming Lab | 1.00 |
EET130 | EET130 Digital Systems I | 3.00 |
EET220 | EET220 Industrial Applications | 3.00 |
EET230 | EET230 Digital Systems II | 3.00 |
EET233 | 机器人与智能制造(SM) | 3.00 |
EET233L | 机器人与智能制造(SM)实验室 | 1.00 |
MET114 | 几何尺寸和公差导论(GD&T) | 3.00 |
MET223 | MET223 Applied Machine Tools | 3.00 |
MET224 | MET224 CNC Machines Operation | 3.00 |
MET420 | MET420 Instrumentation & Industrial Controls | 3.00 |
MET420L | MET420L Instrumentation & Industrial Controls LAB | 1.00 |
MET405 | MET405 Externship-MET Sr. III | 3.00 |
MET406 | MET406 Externship-MET Sr. II | 2.00 |
MET407 | MET407 Externship-MET Sr. I-a | 1.00 |
MET408 | MET408 Externship-MET Sr. I-b | 1.00 |
MET409 | MET409 Externship-MET Sr. I-c | 1.00 |
Visit the 十大正规平台 University Catalog 获取最新的节目信息.
*有关允许的文科和理科课程的替代课程,请参阅 Arts & Sciences Department page.
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